Commercial Pressure Wash / Soft Wash

Office Buildings/Complexes
Apartment Complexes
Senior Living Complexes
Gas Stations

 Multi-family properties face a constant juggling act. You have numerous tenants, different needs, and varying levels of wear and tear to deal with. JNJ Exteriors delivers a professional suite of multi family pressure washing services that ensure your property is on the path to success for each and every resident. 

How do I know when commercial pressure washing is needed?

 With the humidity and moist weather conditions we get here in the Upstate SC area, Pressure Washing is recommended having annual cleanings, if not having your property cleaned every 6 months. The hot conditions during the summer allow mold, mildew, and algae to grow at a rapid rate on your homes and businesses, and everything else outdoors. If you keep your maintenance schedule up to date, all these growths can be easily prevented.  We can provide you with a free maintenance program for your property. 

We Provide Commercial Pressure Washing Services For:


  • Office Buildings/Complexes
  • Apartment Complexes
  • Senior Living Complexes
  • Gas Stations
  • Strip Malls
  • Restaurants
  • Condominiums
  • Advertising Organizations
  • Outdoor Facilities
  • Industrial Facilities
  • Government Facilities
  • Educational Facilities
  • Daycare Facilities

Call Us Today For A Free Quote!


Roof Membrane Pressure Washing

Greenville SC Pressure Wash


Many membrane roofs require regular cleaning to maintain their warranties, and ALL light-colored roofs start to lose their energy efficiency as they darken due to algae and pollution. Let us restore your energy savings without exposing your roof to dangerous pressure. 

Membrane roof systems have been intentionally colored white. This is the most reflective color and in turn keeps the surface temperature lower than that of a dark or dirty roof. Lower temperatures ensure peak performance and the maximum life span of these products. 

Anderson SC Pressure Wash

Energy Savings


TPO and PVC membrane roof systems have been designed with energy efficiency in mind. Almost all commercial roofs have their HVAC units on the roof. Having a lower temperature roof surface, the HVAC unit will pull in cooler air, ultimately using less energy to cool the property.

Reflective and cooler roofs also help combat the Urban Heat Island Effect. In short, Rural and undeveloped areas are full of vegetation and moisture-trapping soils. Vegetation intercepts radiation, provides shade and releases water vapor that helps cool air in the vicinity. When urbanization occurs, you are left with structures that are generally made of non-reflective and water resistant materials.

Metropolitan areas are also filled with thousands of people. This combination results in what is called a Heat Island.  Cities are realizing this and looking for ways to combat it. Light colored and reflective roofs are one of the most popular, along with Green Roofs that include plants and vegetation.   The more clean reflective materials that are used in one area, the more likely the immediate surroundings will be slightly cooler, inside and out.

Clean TPO Pressure wash

White Membrane roof systems, TPO, & PVC Roof Cleaning Procedures


Most importantly, do not let anyone use high pressure on your TPO or PVC roof.

Pretreatment: Having a yearly maintenance program almost always ensures no chemicals or soaps will be needed. If you do have heavy dirt or algae build up, it is recommended to pretreat these areas with an environmentally friendly, PH neutral soap. This will help break down stains and allow for a safe low pressure to be used in the cleaning. Strong Acids and Caustics are not acceptable for cleaning the roofs.

Safe Cleaning: Most commercial pressure washers produce around 3500psi. This is entirely too much pressure and can cause damage when used with a wand. Our equipment is specifically set up for this application and produces 1500-2000psi. We also use a rotary surface cleaner rather than your typical wand. This lightweight 28” wide cleaner rolls on the surface and allows for complete pressure adjustment. Having permanent casters, our rotary surface cleaners also provide a more consistent and thorough cleaning than that of your standard wand.

